Bienvenue chez Art’Abaska! Découvrez des créations uniques, faites main, en fourrure recyclée. Mocassins, mitaines et accessoires au style hors du commun. L’art de revaloriser, une pièce à la fois!
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Zone Mocassin Int 7-8 F
Zone Mocassin Int 5-6 F
Zone Mocassin Int Homme
Zone Mocassin Int 9-10 F
Nos Cache-Oreilles
Mitaines pour enfants
Section Mitaines Small
Section Mitaines Médium
Section Mitaines Large
Section Mitaines X-L
Zone mitaine de Ville
Nos coussins
Semelles fourrure recycl
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Gants de Ville
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Zone Mocassin Int 7-8 F
Zone Mocassin Int 5-6 F
Zone Mocassin Int Homme
Zone Mocassin Int 9-10 F
Nos Cache-Oreilles
Mitaines pour enfants
Section Mitaines Small
Section Mitaines Médium
Section Mitaines Large
Section Mitaines X-L
Zone mitaine de Ville
Nos coussins
Semelles fourrure recycl
Nos jouets pour chats
Gants de Ville
City mittens in recycled fur and leather, Les Rita Size Medium
City mittens in recycled fur and leather, Les Jacinthe Medium size
City mittens in recycled fur and leather, Les Suzanne Edition Black Size Medium
City mittens in recycled fur and leather, Les Raymonde Grandeur Small
City mittens in recycled fur and leather, Les Diane Medium size Embroidery Edition.
City mittens in recycled fur and leather, Les Bibiane Size Medium
City mittens in recycled fur and leather, Les Louise Medium size Embroidery Edition
City mittens in recycled fur and leather, Les Yvette Medium size Embroidery Edition.
City mittens in recycled fur and leather, Les Marie-Anne Medium size Embroidery Edition
City mittens in recycled fur and leather, Les Jeannine Grandeur Small Harley Edition
City mittens in recycled fur and leather, Les Thérèse Grandeur Small
City mittens in recycled fur and leather, Les Solange Grandeur Small
City mittens in recycled fur and leather, Les Sylvianne Medium size
Recycled fur and leather mittens, short model Les Simonne. Size X-Large
City mittens in recycled fur and leather, Les Huguette Size Medium
City mittens in recycled fur and leather, Les Anne Grandeur Medium
City mittens in recycled fur and leather, Les Vicky Size Medium
City mittens in recycled fur and leather, short model Les Carole. Medium size
City mittens in recycled fur and leather, short model Les Victoire. Size LARGE
City mittens in recycled fur and leather, short model Les Denise. Size Medium
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